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Bridal Sample 405

October 23, 2011
1:00 - 3:30 pm
A Bride's Affair
108 E Madision
Berryville, AR
Form To Reserve Your Auction Kit

In order to participate, you must purchase
an auction kit ($10). Only paid brides can participate
in the wedding gown auction. This must be in advance
and by October 17th, paid and confirmed. Pay safely online.
Click on safe payment URL above

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Designer: Dinah-Brianna Gown
Gown includes matching shawl and purse
Size: 18
Color: White/Burgandy
Style: Ballgown
Original Retail Price: $1499
Gowns For You in store discounted price: $599
One Day Only October 23, 2011 Auction Start Bid: $125